
About this Site (English)

About This Site

Beverly Claire

Beverly Claire. Photo: Noritan

Welcome to Beverly Claire Interiors!

Don’t you just love it when you find a particular space–a room in your house, or a hotel, restaurant, bar, ship, even an office or public building–where you feel happy, content, inspired, or simply relaxed and taken care of? We human beings spend the majority of our lives in internal spaces. Even when out camping in the wilderness we seek the comfort of a tent, our temporary “room” for the night. Well-planned and thoughtfully designed interiors can enhance our lives considerably.

This website contains my personal takes on all things interior design (meaning a whole range of things!). It has articles, reviews, commentary, and relevant photographs. The main features are my original 3D visualization projects as well as 2D product designs.

I hope they will be of use to you.

Behind the Scenes

My name is Beverly Claire and I have loved interior decoration and design for as long as I can remember. A fond childhood memory was being eleven or twelve years old and attempting to redecorate (with the help of my younger brother) my parents’ living room based on ideas from an old issue of a popular home decorator’s magazine. I also remember an early teen episode where I repainted furniture in the room I shared with my sister because I felt the old color didn’t go well with the walls. My design history includes making hand-made puppets and a cardboard box theater for a classroom play, as well as representing my schools in art competitions and science fairs (where my favorite part was making the presentation boards for our projects).

After receiving my bachelor’s degree from Nagoya University in Japan, I started working in Tokyo for a major IT company. Several large projects and a handful of IT certifications later, I never forgot my childhood love, interior design.

I attended night and weekend classes at a local adult education school in Tokyo, and finished courses in interior coordination and computer aided design (CAD). I now have Japanese certificates in color coordination, housing environment planning for the elderly and disabled, as well as passing a proficiency test in socio-environmental sustainability. All of these tests I passed while working full time. I’m a believer in lifelong learning and second chances!

Visiting museums and art exhibits, sketching, reading, and 3D visualization/modeling are some of the things I like to do in my spare time. I am trilingual and have a Level 1 certificate in Japanese Language Proficiency (日本語能力試験1級). My husband Nori and I live in Yokohama City, half an hour away from Tokyo by train.

I hope you enjoy your visit. Drop me a line when you can!


Beverly Claire

Beverly Claire. Photo: Noritan





このサイトは「インテリアデザイン」の視点で物事を捉えようとしています。勝手な私見ばかりですが、お気に入りの空間を撮影・レビューしています。また、自ら想像した空間や家具を3D CGのレンダー画像としてアップしています。



子供の頃からインテリア装飾が好きでした。11 、12才の頃、どこかで拾った中古インテリア雑誌を参考にしながら弟の協力を得て家のリビングをアレンジしようとしていた懐かしい記憶があります。また、姉との相部屋の椅子が壁の色と合わないと思い、勝手に塗装した事件も(笑 親に怒られました・・・)。





フィリピン出身のせいか熱帯の果物・明るく晴れた日が好きです^^。趣味は美術館巡り、絵描き、読書と3D CG制作です。スイーツには目がありません。

大学生の頃、日本語能力試験1級に合格しました。幼い頃から英語を身に付け、得意としています(TOIEC は990点なのでスコアを伸ばしたい方お任せあれ!笑)。



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